Dra reading levels

Dra reading levels

It is more Dra reading levels complicated than that: it is a non-state educational center at the Faculty of Philology of St. Petersburg State University. It is an institution with dual management through partnership with foreign universities. In other words, it is an independent educational center located between the two spaces of Russian state education and foreign private education.

So, getting back to the question of the correspondence between the diploma and the graduate’s situation on the labor market in Franceā€¦ Today, unlike the situation 30-40 years ago, the diploma does not grant any privileges on the labor market. In a situation of mass education, it only serves as a necessary and minimum condition of access to qualified employment: according to the level of the diploma, the graduate has access to a starting job. That is, for those who receive a bachelor’s degree, the set of available professional positions is much narrower than for the holder of a master’s degree. At least in the normative model of the labor market.

As for the doctoral diploma (the European equivalent of postgraduate studies), there is a somewhat different story, on the whole, close to Russia. Successful completion of doctoral studies is not directly related to bonuses in the labor market: in science departments, it is the first necessary step in a research or university career. Although doctoral studies in a for-profit school are seen as analogous to MBAs, if not formally as such. And as the value of the scientific doctorate in the current situation is getting lower and more and more students are getting degrees from the first two levels, there are reasons for the third educational level to become a kind of market accessory some time later.

Dra reading levels

In France in the last ten years there have been several scandalous cases of misuse of doctoral studies: the successful defense of a dissertation by a newspaper astrologer or a far-right politician. However, these cases are rare and fall at the center of professional and public scandal. It should be recognized that the credo of most university professors in France is professional integrity and republican concern for education, if only because they are much more massively and thoroughly involved in the management of universities than in Russia, and in their professional competition the criteria of intellectual competence play an essential role.

In Russia, the value of the PhD degree has also been devaluing rapidly over the last 15 years, admittedly much faster than in France. As a result of the deinstitutionalization of teachers’ personal involvement in the functioning of higher education institutions and the unscramble my word denial of responsibility for their results, the commercial overreaching of higher education qualifications is much more pronounced and dramatic. PhDs and doctorates are becoming a distinction that big politicians or wealthy market players, rather than academics, are beginning to look for in order to add another mark, a kind of optional but prestigious vignette on their business card.