How to raise a child to be proud of him?

It often happens that parents blame the kindergarten, school or street for the shortcomings of raising their child. Of course, a child spends a significant part of his time outside the home, and what he sees there leaves an imprint on his behavior. However, do not forget that correcting knowledge about the world around us, about what is good and what is bad is the duty and privilege, first of all, of parents. How to raise a child so that later “it would not be excruciatingly painful”? Let’s try to figure it out in this article.

We educate by personal example
From birth, the most important people in a child’s life are their parents with Their behavior – right or wrong – becomes a role model. At an early age, the child still does not know how to analyze, and therefore everything that comes from the parents is perceived by him as the ultimate truth and is put on a “shelf” in the child’s memory, so that, if necessary, it can be extracted in a certain model of behavior.

Often you can observe the following picture: a little son, diligently copying facial expressions, gestures and trying to pronounce words, evokes tenderness of those around him by how much he looks like his father. Therefore, having a baby in the family, you need to decide on the set of human qualities that you would like to see in him. If good manners are important to you in a person, always behave appropriately at the family table, take your child with you to a restaurant where he can learn social behavior by watching you. If you want your son to respect women, show him every time your reverent attitude towards his mother, sister, grandmother.

Communicate with the child on an equal footing
Everything seems to be simple, but the problem is that no one is perfect. Often parents in their hearts allow themselves negative emotions – both in relation to the child, and in relation to each other, and in relation to others and in relation to This is normal: there are many stress factors around that lead to emotional outbursts. The main thing is that the little man in any situation understands that you love him. Therefore, it is important to communicate with the child, starting from a very young age. Explain to him why you got angry with him in this or that situation, that you do not like his behavior, how you feel when he does this. If your outburst was provoked by problems at work or other external factors, do not hesitate to apologize to your child. So you teach him to admit his mistakes, and this is a very important quality.

If a child repeats after you an obscene word or any action for which you may be ashamed, do not scold him: the child will not be able to understand why you can, but he can’t. This time, let go of the brakes, don’t react to the situation in any way, and turn his attention to something else. If after a while the child nevertheless takes advantage of the experience gained from you, explain to him that you are very ashamed that then you behaved this way, and you would not want your son or daughter to repeat this mistake. Believe me, such a heart-to-heart talk will have a much greater educational impact than punishment.

Coping with children’s whims

portrait of a beautiful little girl with flowers

Parents are very annoyed by children’s whims, because they talk about bad manners. But whims are a common occurrence that can provide significant assistance in education. The main thing is to take the right position. You should not follow the lead of the little “capricious”: if he wants to get something from you, ask him to do something in return. For example, you buy your daughter a new doll, but only when the existing doll “harem” is sitting in its place, dressed in clothes and neatly combed. So the daughter will understand that something needs to be done to fulfill her desires, and believe me, she will be much more pleased with such a “deserved” gift and than with a “crying out” one.

Sometimes children scream, sob, fall to the floor and kick their feet. This behavior indicates that the child is deprived of your attention and thus tries to attract it. Let the baby calm down, not paying much attention to him, and then calmly talk to him, caress and continue to do this more often. You’ll see, tantrums will be a thing of the past.

When a baby appears in your family, think, first of all, about the fact that the main role in his upbringing belongs to you – the parents! Take on this responsibility, then you will be rewarded with pride in your own child!+